Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Get fresh

Time for a fresh start for this crappy blog. I deleted my (emo) posts. Very good, yes?

Today, I have been really tired mhm. My job is very long, stressful, and I feel like I could drop a serious deuce right now.

In other news: my record player is up and running with some redneck wiring to my computer and stuff. It's pretty cool, I'm not going to lie. So I am listening to "Alligator" right now on it. "I'll end up winning and I won't know why" - oh, Matt Berninger. Good man.

This Diet Cherry Chocolate Dr. Pepper intrigues me. It tastes like those chocolate-covered cherries. I think they should have just done "Chocolate Dr. Pepper" and consolidated the flavor. I mean, come on, I only want to have to notice one flavor. This is like that Diet Cherry Vanilla Clusterfuck Dr. Pepper they had awhile ago. Do they get more money for a higher word-count in the title of the soda? Let's hope so.

Well, I'm off to go collapse somewhere and wake up in a puddle of drool. Stay fresh, crapholes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job with the Flaming Lips, dildo.